framing module
Keywords: frame ofdmflexframe frame64 framegen64 framesync64 frame generator frame synchronizer
The framing module contains objects and methods for packaging data into manageable frames and packets. For convention, liquid refers to a "packet" as a group of binary data bytes (often with forward error-correction applied) that need to be communicated over a wireless link. Objects that operate on packets in liquid are the bpacketgen, bpacketsync and packetizer structures. By contrast, a "frame" is a representation of the data once it has been properly partitioned, encapsulated, and modulated before transmitting over the air. Framing objects included in liquid are the frame64 , flexframe , gmskframe, and ofdmflexframe structures which greatly simplify over-the-air digital communication of raw data. The framing module also contains some high-level functions for simplifying packetizing data, such as the interleaver , packetizer , and bpacket objects.
- bpacket - binary packet generator and synchronizer objects
- flexframe - flexible framing structure
- frame64 - fixed-length (64-byte) framing strucutre
- interleaver - data interleaver
- ofdmflexframe - flexible framing structure for orthogonal frequency-divisional multiplexing (OFDM)
- packetizer - simple data packet encoding and decoding
Here are some tutorials that will help you get started:
- tutorial-framing - This tutorial introduces a very simple framing structure that allows you to easily send and receive data over a wireless link.
- tutorial-ofdmflexframe - This tutorial extends the basic framing tutorial by introducing the flexible OFDM framing structure.